
Metaverse Arts Broadcast: Sunday February 12 @ 2pmSLT

Join us at 2pm SLT today, Sunday 12th February for the first showing of a whole new Metaverse Arts, at our beautiful studio at The Labyrinth sim in Avalon. Note that this is a new location – we’ve moved into the sky and to a whole new  studio!

And the studio isn't the only new element of the show as we have a new host too - Gwen Carillon!  In this first show. Gwen will be talking to the popular Australian artist Glyph Graves, who works in real life and Second Life to great acclaim - and has also created amazing cross-over artworks that draw on both realities.

There will also be details of our Art Gallery of the month - so come and join us for our showing at 2pm today!

Or – if you can’t attend in person – tune in at 2pm SLT on Sunday for the live show on http://treet.tv/live – where you can now chat with other audience members and even some of the participants during the show – or catch it later in the week on our shows page on the Treet.tv web site at http://treet.tv/shows/metaverse-arts - our very own version of the iPlayer!




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